Light at the End of the Tunnel
It takes a long time to make a documentary. And when it’s a four-part series, it takes even longer! But at long last, the end is in sight.

A Heavenly Host
As if our musical score wasn’t already incredible — now we’re adding The Ambassadors of Harmony…

Their Voices Sing Again
The Violins of Hope and Joshua Bell … on our soundtrack. Amazing but true.

December Update (Belated)
We neglected to post this earlier!
Better late than never…

Episode Two Well Underway
With a script completed for the second episode of the four-part series, work is blazing ahead on assembling the images and sounds to bring the story to life!

A Screening of Episode One
At an event hosted by Ohio Governor Mark Dewine, an enthusiastic audience saw the freshly-completed first episode of A TRAIN NEAR MAGDEBURG and were utterly enthralled.

April Update!
Our recent silence here has not been because nothing’s happening —
but because there’s so MUCH happening we haven’t had time to tell you about it!

Some Good News, Some Sad News
The work of crafting the first episode is coming along beautifully! But we’ve lost a friend along the way.

Deadline: March 3, 2024
Executives at ITV want to see a finished version of Episode One on March 3rd in Los Angeles. The production team has been making such good progress that this should be no problem whatsoever.

Columbus Dispatch Helps Spread the Word
It was over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at a World War II veterans’ home in Florida that Mike Edwards realized he had to tell another story…

Veterans Day 2023: TANKS
An amazing way to spend Veterans Day: scouting locations and resources at the Museum of the American G.I. in College Station, Texas.

We do have news about the film, but for the moment horror and fear take precedence as terrorists invade, assault, and rain death down on innocents in Israel.

Episode One is Coming Together!
Ready to hear some good news for a change? The miniseries is making AMAZING progress! Get all the details here.

A Totally Unexpected Treasure
For years, we’ve believed the only visual record of the “train event” was a handful of photographs. But now…

Out of the Archives
Members of our team met in Washington, D.C. for a once-in-a-lifetime experience: the opening of a vault….!

There’s Just So Much
Lee Shackleford pauses in his work to offer this update.

Interviews and Interruptions
A productive trip to upstate New York while a writer is temporarily sidelined.

All the Writing is in Flux
Lee Shackleford is writing these news posts — and our screenplay, too…

Mike Edwards Speaks at Ohio Holocaust Event
Mike Edwards was one of the special guests at Governor DeWine’s event on April 27, 2023…

Edwards and Rozell Featured on WCMH-TV
Robyn Haines, host of the “Daytime Columbus” show on WCMH-Fox4, had Mike Edwards and Matthew Rozell on as her special guests

Until we meet again
You don’t have to read Hebrew to know this means “Exit.”

We Interview Yitzhak Glecer
His parents were married shortly before Hitler’s army invaded Poland. “They didn’t have much of a honeymoon.”

We Interview Miriam Muller
Miriam was a tiny child when her family was forced into the concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen.

We Visit the Abadis
One of the most intriguing personalities to have been rescued from the train was the artist Ervin Abadi. Today we visited his children and other members of his family — and saw much more of his artwork than we even knew existed!

We Interview Aliza Vitis Shomron
Decorated war hero. Last known survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. And one of the 2500 rescued from the train.

We Interview Simcha Barkai
Simcha Barkai was imprisoned at Bergen-Belsen in 1944 and still remembers vividl the bodies piling up everywhere…

We Interview Yaakov Barzilai
Quite an honor! Our “train survivor” interivew of the day was with the noted Israeli poet and novelist Yaakov Barzllai.

We Interview Ruth Fussman
Ruth Fussman is unique among the survivors we interviewed this week…

We Interview Aliza Gilon
April 20: a lovely visit with train survivor Aliza Golon at her home in Haifa.

We Interview Eran Leitersdorf
One of the most intriguing survivors from the train was Gina Rappaport. Today we met her son: Eran Leitersdorf.

We Pause to Thank Varda Weisskopf
Would any of this have been possible without Varda Weisskopf?

We Interview John Fransman
Today we interviewed our first train survivor for this trip: John Fransman…

Tamir Tavor Plays For Us
Hear an utterly unique violin brought to life by an utterly brilliant young artist.

We Interview Amnon Weinstein
Today we were honored to visit with Amnon Weinstein, the heart and soul of the world-famous Violins of Hope.

We Rendezvous with Ellen Haber
We arrive in Jerusalem to find all our needs anticipated by the remarkable Ellen Haber.

Team Assembled and Transported!
Members of our team flew from various places in the U.S. to our rendezvous in New Jersey — there to board the plane for our

Matthew Rozell Speaks at West Point
By special request, Matthew Rozell spoke to a large group of West Point cadets. As usual, he held them spellbound.

Anniversary: a letter from Johanna
Today we are honored with greetings from Johanna Mücke a very special German friend, ally, and translator.