Episode One Premieres

At an event hosted by Ohio Governor Mark Dewine, an enthusiastic audience saw the freshly-completed first episode of A TRAIN NEAR MAGDEBURG and were utterly enthralled.

April Update!

Our recent silence here has not been because nothing’s happening —
but because there’s so MUCH happening we haven’t had time to tell you about it!

Deadline: March 3, 2024

Executives at ITV want to see a finished version of Episode One on March 3rd in Los Angeles. The production team has been making such good progress that this should be no problem whatsoever.

Columbus Dispatch Helps Spread the Word

It was over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at a World War II veterans’ home in Florida that Mike Edwards realized he had to tell another story…

Veterans Day 2023: TANKS

An amazing way to spend Veterans Day: scouting locations and resources at the Museum of the American G.I. in College Station, Texas.


We do have news about the film, but for the moment horror and fear take precedence as terrorists invade, assault, and rain death down on innocents in Israel.